Terms of Use
Welcome to Avasar Foundation's website.
Avasar Foundation exists to provide opportunities for growth to disadvantaged children and youth through access to education, training & development and coaching & mentoring programs.
General Terms: By using Avasar Foundation's website, visitors are presumed to accept the terms and conditions. They are effective from their first visit. Avasar Foundation may make changes to terms and conditions from time to time. The use of this website indicates visitor’s acceptance of terms and conditions at the time of use. Avasar Foundation reserves the right to change content of the website at any time. Avasar Foundation makes every attempt to ensure that the content of this website is accurate and legally correct at the time of appearance. If a visitor believes content on any of the pages is inaccurate, they may report the same to Avasar Foundation team at support@avasarfoundation.in.
Liability: Avasar Foundation makes all reasonable efforts to make sure malware or viruses are not transmitted from our website. However, Avasar Foundation has no liability for loss or damage resulting from use of our website. It is recommended that the visitors take necessary precautions to safeguard their IT equipment before downloading files from our website. Avasar Foundation will not accept liability for damage caused by malware or viruses. Avasar Foundation website may provide reference URL to other organization’s websites. This does not mean that Avasar approves or endorses the views and information contained in those websites. Avasar Foundation accepts no liability for damage caused by malware or viruses on websites that are linked to Avasar Foundation website.
Branding: Please note that Avasar Foundation's permission is required for anybody to use the organization’s logos or other branded material. Avasar Foundation reserves the right to require its logo to be removed from websites or printed material, if it is not in its interests. All the downloadable documents, brochures, and information on web pages on Avasar Foundation's website are provided for visitor’s educational and informational purpose only. The visitor may not copy or print information for private purposes including teaching. The visitor may not amend content or use it for commercial purposes without written consent from Avasar Foundation. Images and photos used on this website are the property of Avasar Foundation. They may not be reproduced or used without Avasar Foundation's written consent.